We all want to live and work in a safe place with low levels of crime. Your Neighbourhood Policing Team here in Hayling is based in the neighbourhood police office within Hayling Island library. The team is here to listen to your concerns and act upon the issues that matter most to you, helping you to feel safer in your community.
But the most important thing of all, we need to look out for each other. Working together, we can build a safer community and fight crime. Being respectful of others, checking in on vulnerable and isolated people and supporting each other is key to fostering community relations.
Monthly beat surgeries are held at the library, providing residents the opportunity to come and speak to the team and help set local policing priorities.
Saturday 24th August 10:00 – 11:00
Monday 23rd September 12:00 – 13:00
Monday 21st October 12:00 – 13:00
Wednesday 27th November 12:00 – 13:00
Monday 16th December 12:00 – 13:00
Please note that these dates are subject to change due to duties and deployment.
To contact your local policing team, please email hayling.police@hampshire.pnn.police.uk
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A big thank you to Hayling’s PCSO, Callum Younger for helping us compile this advice. If you have any concerns, pop in to the next Beat Surgery on Monday 23rd September at Hayling Library. Let’s keep Hayling safe.
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Here’s some helpful and informative information from Hampshire Fire and Rescue.
Download the Bonfire & Fireworks leaflet below which will give you all you need to have a fun and safe evening.
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As a member of the public you can support the Blue Flag programme by taking the following actions to protect the environment:
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Many of us are dependent on our phones, tablets and computers today and staying safe from internet fraud is becoming more challenging. Online security is becoming more important than ever. It is easy to become a victim of cyber crime. Here’s some top tips to help you keep your personal information safe and secure:
Install strong and unique passwords on all devices
Never reveal your password to anyone
Don’t give out your personal information
Beware of elaborate phishing and cyber-attacks
Install anti-virus software
Keep your operating systems up to date
Never open insecure attachments or links
Check online banking and bank statements regularly
Be smart with social media
Back up your data